Why do people who get paid for their opinions have to retract their comments? Why is everyone so damned sensitive? It’s just an opinion.
Now, I don’t personally think Michael Vick should be executed for executing dogs, but I agree with Tucker Carlson’s passionate stance against such cruelty. It aint okay Vick. Yes you served your time and probably even repented to your higher power, but I still have an opinion about what you did. 2007 wasn’t so long ago sir. I still have an opinion about the O.J. Simpson murder trial, the genocides in Rwanda and the ban of ephedra based products. Why, why and why, respectively. And I don’t like Vick personally. There, I said it. You can’t show such cruelty to other sentient beings and call yourself a good person. (No, I’m not a vegetarian. Feel free to have your own opinion about that. It is after all, just your opinion. A thought on a subject, really.) And I could never trust a man who kills dogs for sport. My father was murdered when I was young, which sent me into a spiral where I didn’t care about people for a long time. Still it never occurred to me to kill or sponsor the killing of dogs. I grew up in a pretty dangerous neighborhood and we didn’t have a whole lot of money, but I always had an instinct towards what was good and right. We live in a society where molesting children, beating your wife, cutting in line and killing domestic animals are all unacceptable. If you can’t handle that, try France or Cambodia.
Michael Vick should be ashamed, and from what he says, he is deeply ashamed and embarrassed for his part in the whole dog fighting business. I forgive him for terribly poor judgment. However, I will never allow him to dog sit my four legged friend. I have no desire to date him despite his bad ass skills on the field, his sexy fit physique and his multimillion dollar bank account. And that’s just my humble opinion. Michael Vick may see my photo and say he would never date me because I’m out of shape, I procrastinate, my hair is nappy and all my sexy clothes are covered in dog hair. And that’s okay too Michael Vick. But why should any of us have to retract a comment stating an opinion that we still hold? Maybe in the future Tucker Carlson will have a sit down dinner with the entire Vick clan and he’ll find them to be a loving and kind family. Perhaps Carlson will see the light that now shines in Vick and he will have a change of heart, but until then, he should be able to express a less than supportive opinion about Vick, not because executing young men for dog fighting is not what we have decided on as a society, but because it’s just his opinion. And isn’t that what the man gets paid for anyway?